Here are few basic skills that can be worked on with children who will be attending Kindergarten. A great resource for all children.
This will ease the transition from home to school.
Be able to listen: Child should be able to stop a few minutes to listen to a story or a direction
Follow a direction: A large part of school is being able to listen and follow directions. As parents, we should support our children in following simple directions. Ex. Hang your coat on the hook.
Having self-confidence: Child should be able to try new activities
Be independent: Even if we still need to remind the child how to do something, they should be able to get dressed, use the washroom, brush teeth etc.
Respect others and socialize: Answering when spoken to, asking a friend to play
Share: child should be able to share a toy/game with a friend (“Can I have that when you’re done?” is a very valuable question)
Waiting a turn: child should be able to wait their turn playing a game or waiting for a turn with a toy
Completing a task: Child should be able to complete an activity before moving on to the next one. (Example: finish the puzzle before playing cars)
Controlling his emotions: When angry, child should be able to control his emotion and express his anger in an acceptable manner (using their words)
Accept small frustrations: Child should be able to accept that not all his/her demands will be met immediately
Desire to learn: ask what a word means, want to be better at something (catching a ball, skipping, etc.)
Guimond, J. (2008) “Comment preparer la reussite de son enfant a l’ecole?” Conference de la Federation de l’Alphabetisation Nouveau-Brunswick